Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder of. C Whole chromosome extra missing or both see chromosome abnormality T Trinucleotide repeat disorders. In This Biology Topic We Will Cover The Following Ausvels Science Understanding Biological Sciences Achievement St Genetic Disorders Science Biology Biology The counselors evaluate the results of the tests. . Gene is extended in length. Albinism is a rare group of genetic disorders that cause the skin hair or eyes to have little or no color. At birth infants are tested for the genetic disorder. PKU is caused by an enzyme deficiency in which. 3 Irritable Bowi Syndrome IBS 4 Sickle cell Anaemia. A person with Huntingtons disease will pass the disease on to 100 percent of their children. It may also occur later in life. Genetic mutations that affect the production of a pigment called melanin. Which of the following is true. Resulting from a variation